DisARMing the Samsung S6E boot loader
Jonathan Levin, http://NewAndroidBook.com, 06/11/16
A while ago someone asked me for help with pointers on disassembling the Samsung 6E bootloader. I told him I'd get back to him, but with all my attention drawn into MOX*I for the big upcoming release, I didn't have much time to. Recently, however, while working on disassembling iOS's iBoot 64, I realized the same tool can be used for pretty much any ARM64 - including Samsung's sboot. So here is a writeup which shows the approach to disassembling pretty much any AArch64 boot loader, but Samsung's in particular. I'll also release a slide set on this after my MOSec talk on bootloaders at the beginning of July.
is an instruction I have read the full ARM documentation about. Maybe that's why still relatively few are :-P
- You'd want to follow along with The Samsung bootloader file (which you can get from their software image, or from your device, normally in
/dev/sdb or somewhere). - The
Booting AArch64, in a nutshell
There are surprisingly little reference on the web to ARM's 64-bit boot process, though ARM themselves have superior documentation in the infocenter website. The architecture is quite different from the 32-bit architecture, which I've also covered in the reversing Aboot article on this website and in the book.
The first difference is that the processor boots into the most privileged exception level - EL3. This is somewhat akin to Intel's Ring 0, though in some ways more accurately following the ring model*. Think of it this way:
- EL3 is the most privileged level - reserved for the "Secure Monitor"
- EL2 is slighly less privileged, and runs Hypervisors (virtualization software), if any
- EL1 is where kernel mode is
- EL0 is plain old user mode
As with the Intel model, every ring has the abilities of its lesser rings, meaning EL0 ⊆ EL1 ⊆ EL2 ⊆ EL3. And, likewise, some instructions are only allowed at some exception levels. Moving in between the exception levels is performed by .. well.. exceptions! When an exception occurs, it automatically gets trapped by an exception vector of the higher level, which performs it and then returns back to the (less-privileged) origin level by means of a specialized instruction, ERET
The processor has distinct register sets for each exception levels, which are separate from the normal set (i.e. not part of X0..X29,LR,SP,PC). As a general rule, when in Exception Level x, you have full power over your own ELx registers, as those of ELx-1, but not those of ELx+1 (if any), which are entirely invisible to you. It is this level of physical separation that forms the basis for all of ARM's security architecture.
Looking at the file with disarm
we see:
0x00000000 0x00000010 DCD 0x10 ; ^P 0x00000004 0xe99c208a DCD 0xe99c208a ; <8A> <9C>0x00000008 0x00000000 DCD 0x0 ; 0x0000000c 0x00000000 DCD 0x0 ; 0x00000010 0x14000002 B 0x18 ------------------------------- 0x00000014 0x14000000 B 0x14 ------------------------------- 0x00000018 0x58000a80 LDR X0, #336 ; 0x168 0x0000001c 0xb9400000 LDR W0, [X0, #0] 0x00000020 0xd2b00001 MOVZ X1, 0x8000, LSL #16 ; X1 = 0x8000000 0x00000024 0x6a01001f __2DO 0x6a01001f 0x00000028 0x54000740 B.EQ 0x110 0x0000002c 0x58000a20 LDR X0, #324 ; 0x170 0x00000030 0xb9400000 LDR W0, [X0, #0] 0x00000034 0x7200001f TST W0, #1 0x00000038 0x540006c0 B.EQ 0x110 0x0000003c 0x580009e0 LDR X0, #316 ; 0x178 0x00000040 0xb9400000 LDR W0, [X0, #0] 0x00000044 0x12000400 AND @TODO 0x00000048 0x71000c1f CMP W0, #3 0x0000004c 0x540000c0 B.EQ 0x64 0x00000050 0x58000980 LDR X0, #304 ; 0x180 0x00000054 0xb9400000 LDR W0, [X0, #0] 0x00000058 0x7200001f TST W0, #1 0x0000005c 0x54000040 B.EQ 0x64 0x00000060 0x1400002c B 0x110
I'm sure IDA has a way to display this in branching view, but the version of IDA64 I used was so #@%#@$% I couldn't even get it to just perform the simple disassembly disarm